How to introduce yourself in Arabic?

Welcome to LearnArabicWithMo. Learn Arabic easily and fast with Mo. We use the most fun way to learn Arabic. Today we are gonna learn how to introduce yourself in Arabic. And we’re going to learn basic Arabic expressions.
Marḥaban, ʾanā Mo... surirtu biliqāʾika
Hi, I'm Mo. Nice to meet you.
In this lesson, you're going to learn how to introduce yourself in Arabic. There are a few other ways to say it, depending on how formal you want to be.

Informal way to introduce yourself in Arabic

Let’s first look at an informal way to introduce yourself in Arabic.
Marḥaban, ʾanā Mo... surirtu biliqāʾika
Hi, I'm Mo. Nice to meet you.
Marḥaban is the equivalent of Hi. Then, say ʾanā (literally I am) followed by your name. ʾanā Mo is ‘I am Mo’. Finally, say ‘Nice to meet you’. If you are talking to a man, you say surirtu biliqā'ika. If you are talking to a woman, say surirtu biliqā'iki. if you are talking to a woman.
This phrase means “I am happy to meet you.”surirtu is literally “I am glad” or ‘nice to`and biliqā'ika/biliqā'iki is “to meet you”.

Gender tip
In the English phrase “Glad to meet you,” “you” is a neutral word. You can use it for both men and women. But in Arabic, the word “you” needs a gender. When you change the last letter in liqāʾika, “a” to an “i” sound, liqāʾiki, you are actually changing the word “you” from the male to female version. That's what we do in Arabic. So you should be careful to use the correct version!

Formal way to introduce yourself in Arabic

Now let’s see another way of introducing yourself. In this version you will say ‘ Hi, my name is Mo’ instead of ‘Hi, I am Mo’.
Marḥaban, ʾismī Mo. Tašarraftu bimaʿrifatika.
Hi, my name is Mo. I am honored to meet you.

What has changed from the previous introduction?

First, marḥaban, ʾanā Mo has changed to Marḥaban, ʾismī Mo. So, instead of saying Hi, I’m Mo, we are speaking in a more formal way by saying Hi, my name is Mo. Next, after giving your name, instead of saying surirtu biliqā'ika you say Tašarraftu bimaʿrifatika or I am honored to meet you, which is a bit more formal.

Gender Tip
Again, we should not forget to change the ending of the word depending on the gender of the person you’re speaking to. It would be Tašarraftu bimaʿrifatika for a man and Tašarraftu bimaʿrifatiki in case of a woman. So in conclusion ..

Informal ways are:

marḥaban, ʾanā Mo..surirtu biliqā'ika. if you are speaking to a man.
And, marḥaban, ʾanā Mo...surirtu biliqā'iki if you are speaking to a woman.

Formal ways are:

The formal way to introduce yourself is:
Marḥaban, ʾismī Mo. Tašarraftu bimaʿrifatika if the person you’re talking to is a man.
Marḥaban, ʾismī Mo. Tašarraftu bimaʿrifatiki if that person is a woman.